Award Categories 2017

This year, there are five categories, each reflecting the broad range of expertise within our profession and each providing an opportunity to showcase some of the best practice that is influencing the development of research management and administration:

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Research Management Team of the Year

Research management and administration comprises an increasingly diverse range of activities and requires a broad mix of talent, knowledge and skills in order to work well. This Award celebrates a research management team that has succeeded in combining the component parts of research management and administration into a robust, cohesive and effective unit, resulting in a significant positive impact on their organisation’s research enterprise, within or beyond the organisation.

In general, nominees will have demonstrated an exceptional positive contribution to their organisation’s research endeavour but specifically, the nominees will have demonstrated one or more of the following attributes:

  • Created and managed strong and sustainable relationships with partners and customers, inside and/or outside the organisation.
  • Implemented successful approaches to promoting positive and effective internal communications.
  • Devised effective methods for harmonising different aspects of research management.
  • Successfully integrated research management across central and/or departmental offices, responding to the unique circumstances of each environment.
  • Modernised or transformed processes for engaging with and responding to the requirements of the organisation’s leadership and/or academic community.
  • Highlight the use of successful practices for integration, harmonisation and/or communication.
  • Demonstrated a substantial positive impact on the success of the research organisation.
  • Responsiveness to the changing external landscape.

Judges will particularly look for approaches and techniques that can be replicated and therefore have potential wider benefits if adopted elsewhere.

Nomination Form

The Carter Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research Management and Administration

This Award is named in honour of Dr Ian Carter, in recognition of his dedicated and outstanding contribution to ARMA during his seven years as Chair of the Board of Directors and to his ongoing contribution to the broader profession of research management and administration. The Award recognises an individual whose contributions to research management and administration are of such significance and/or span a significant part of a career that special recognition is warranted.

In general, nominees will have demonstrated an exceptional impact on the enhancement of the research support environment at the local, national or international level. Specifically, the recipient will have demonstrated one or more of the following attributes:

  • Substantially enhanced the reputation of the profession.
  • Substantially enhanced the quality, standards and professionalism of research management and administration.
  • Made a demonstrable contribution to the practice of research management through publication, development of new procedures, contribution to professional development, or other leadership.
  • Committed to continuous improvement as shown by engagement in the ongoing development of research management best practices.
  • Achieved excellence in the profession beyond the scope of his/her primary professional role.
  • Substantially influenced the practice of research management at the local, regional, national or international level.

An “outstanding contribution” does not automatically equate to longevity in post or the profession.

Nomination Form

Collaboration in Research Management and Administration

Collaboration amongst research support professionals is an integral part of successful research, be it cross-organisation, pan-sector or across sectors, nationally or internationally. This Award celebrates a project or initiative that has significantly benefited from a collaborative approach to research management and administration, identifying challenges and opportunities and their resolution and enhancing the ability of researchers to work across disciplinary, organisational, sector or global boundaries.

In general, nominated collaborations will have demonstrably contributed to the respective organisations’ research enterprise. Specifically, the nominees will have demonstrated one or more of the following attributes:

  • Made a demonstrable contribution to the practice of research management through successful techniques or approaches in fostering and maintaining collaboration.
  • Devised, developed and/or implemented techniques and approaches for collaborating that can be readily replicated within other departments, faculties and/or research organisations.
  • Influenced the practice of research management directly or indirectly at the local, national or international level.
  • Facilitated enhanced quality, quantity or impact of research.
  • Enhanced the reputation and/or success of the partner organisations.

Where relevant, judges will look for effective collaboration between research support and other professional services, academics and/or project partners.  Judges will particularly look for techniques for stewarding relationships and fostering and maintaining collaborations that can be replicated and therefore have potential wider benefits if adopted elsewhere. They will also look for effective use of practices learned or adopted from sectors or professions outside research management.

Nomination Form

Communication and Outreach in Research Management and Administration

Communication, public engagement, outreach and advocacy are central components of the research endeavour, whether for demonstrating the impact of research or securing resources and reputation. This Award recognises an individual, team, project or institution that has developed and maintained innovative ways for connecting with the public and other interested parties and/or communicating the activity and benefits of research.

In general, nominees will have demonstrated a highly successful approach to developing and delivering methodologies that actively engage interested parties in the research process from start to finish. Specifically, the nominees will have demonstrated one or more of the following attributes:

  • Devised and delivered a method that explicitly ensures their organisation can demonstrate accountability and transparency, impact, relevance and/or responsiveness.
  • Found a successful way to engage with and involve the local, regional and/or national community on the current and future direction of their organisation’s research portfolio, strengthening the organisation’s research brand and/or identity.
  • Enacted an approach that enriches their organisation’s research, such as opportunities for the public to contribute to that research.
  • Influenced the practice of research management directly or indirectly at the local, national or international level.
  • Built and facilitated proactive engagement amongst the research support team, other areas of professional services, researchers and students to deliver an internally inclusive approach to external community engagement.

Judges will particularly look for techniques for public engagement that can be replicated and therefore have potential wider benefits if adopted elsewhere. They will also look for effective use of practices learned or adopted from sectors or professions outside research management.

Nomination Form

The Ceremony

Our inaugural Awards evening was a celebration of the pioneering spirit which pervades our membership and is embodied through each of our shortlisted nominees.

Award categories

Our categories reflect the diversity of our profession and the depth and breadth of skills, knowledge and experience required to be an effective research support professional.